Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Mid-terms were predictable and manageable. The GSB doesn't hold classes for an entire week for all first-year students. We had one test each day on Monday (Finance), Tuesday (Organizational Behavior) and Wednesday (Global), which is actually really manageable in comparison to my undergraduate university when classes, papers, and life are not put on hold for mid-terms.

I spent the better part of Sunday and Monday morning studying for Finance and then switched gears after the Finance test to OB and Global, with the help of an impromptu study group. The Finance exam was long, but not particularly hard. OB and Global were also fairly predictable and fair.

So that's that.

After mid-terms, we had two days of career center stuff, including panels and a speech/workshop by Keith Ferrazzi. Wednesday, Thursday and the weekend after mid-terms were relaxed, fun, and served as a reminder for why I came to business school (meet good people, have good career opps)

Since mid-terms, I've been trying to go out more, to sleep more, and to do less work. We have a couple group papers, but otherwise, nothing too stressful for a while.

Only one more full week of classes and then it's Thanksgiving. Today is "Diversity Day," whatever that means, so I'll have to report back soon.